Personal Knowledge Management

Introduction to Building A Second Brain(BASB)

This post is part of a series I am writing about building a second brain course and how I am building my second brain in RoamResearch. Check out the other posts 👇

We live in an era of information overload. We are presented with information from every corner of the internet. We consume 10 times more information from 20 years ago. How can we effectively manage what we consume? We can solve this by building a digital second brain.

Our digital second brain can store and organize information effectively. It can also free our main brain to focus on what’s important.

Building A Second Brain(BASB) course by fortelabs does just that. They teach how to build a second brain. The main idea of this course is to make the information actionable.

The core concept of the course is PARA which is an organizational system. PARA stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives. Using PARA, we will be able to organize the information effectively.

There are other concepts that go along with PARA to manage our second brain. The concept is called CODE which stands for Capture, Organize, Distill, Express.

These concepts are divided based on how the information flows. Each of these concepts are further divided into three sections to form the 12 core functions of the second brain.

After from these 12 concepts, we can incorporate many parts of our daily life into the second brain. The following are areas I personally like to incorporate into my second brain.

  • Time Management
  • Daily Planners
  • Weekly Review
  • Daily Journal
  • Routine Tracker
  • Goal Tracker

I am taking the Building A Second Brain(BASB) course now and I will be writing a series about how I apply these concepts to build my second brain. I will be implementing my second brain in Roam Research. Follow along if you are interested in personal knowledge management, building a second brain, or learning about roam research in general.

This post is part of a series I am writing about building a second brain course and how I am building my second brain in RoamResearch. Check out the other posts 👇

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