
Put Yourself Out There

I am not an introvert by any means, but I shy away from people. I will skip aisles in stores to avoid contact with someone I know. I will take longer routes to avoid seeing my neighbors. Then one day I read the book “Do Unto Otters” to my son which is based on this […]


Appreciation Motivates Us Like Nothing Else Does

I have been developing an app to manage design specifications of the projects in production at work. I have been developing it all alone without knowing If the app will be accepted by the management and my colleagues. When working alone, it is hard to keep the motivation high, day after day. There are periods […]


When in doubt, Err on the side of Kindness

I am reading the book “Wonder” to my son. In the chapter where Mr. Tushman the middle school’s principal gives his commencement addresses, he talks about kindness. Below is an excerpt from the chapter. Mr. Tushman’s Speech The best way to measure how much you’ve grown isn’t by inches or the number of laps you […]